Motorola Alert is an application to help you connect more quickly to family and friends when feeling unsafe or when in an emergency. When you put your phone in alert mode, it sends periodic notifications with your location to the people you designate so they can act fast to get you the help you need. The app was designed to support value-tiered markets like Brazil and India where threats to personal safety and security are an every-day concern.
As part of the design process, I defined a set of design goals for the app. There was several objectives but the two primary goals was to optimize the design for emerging markets and to make the app more useful than the current model for asking for help.
For the next step, I articulated all the possible features and functionality that would be needed to support the experiences we were targeting.
As the product design phase moved forward, I worked on identifying all the possible touch points for the app on the phone. I started defining key use cases for the app.
Eventually I created a comprehensive list of all use cases that the app needed to support.
Once we had established what set of experiences and features we wanted to target for the app, I created an initial set of low-fidelity wireframes depicting the key screens of the app.
Once we had an initial design we engaged the software engineering team to further understand the difficulty of implementing the design. We also worked closely with key stakeholders like the product management team to better understand their business needs. As new requirements and constraints were introduced, the design evolved. For example, we initially wanted to support the ability for users to communicate directly between apps regarding their location status (e.g. at home, leaving work) but realized the work effort was too difficult for the initial release. As a result, we removed the feature and updated the design to accommodate the missing feature.
Final "Out of Box" flow
As the design progressed, we continue to test and re-test the design with users using a rapid prototyping tool. The testing really helped to refine and make the app more usable to users. For example originally, we focused on minimizing the number items a user needed to setup by providing defaults but realized through testing that they ultimately wanted control over all aspects of it since this app was focused on their physical safety.